Thursday, October 9, 2008


Early this year, as the Washington DC Gun Case was progressing towards the Supreme Court, Sen. Obama was asked about his view of the 2nd Amendment and the DC Case. His response spoke volumes: “I believe the 2nd Amendment protects a individual right to keep and bar arms. I also believe that Washington DC’s law is reasonable and should be upheld.” Doesn’t that sound reasonable, fair and middle of the road? Only if you don’t know the facts.

Washington DC’s law was the most restrictive law in the nation, BANNING ALL FUNCTIONAL FIREARMS. As Justice Kennedy said during oral arguments, “What is reasonable about a total ban?” Indeed, many rights come with restrictions (i.e. free speech does not allow one to liable or yell fire in a crowded theater), but what constitutionally protected right can be completely ignored by the government? At least so far, none.

So how far off the beam is Obama’s view? After all, he was a constitutional law professor, right?

Out of nine Justices on the court (four conservative, four liberals, one moderate) exactly NONE even came close to Obama’s frightening view. The four liberal Justices embraced the “collective right view” which states that the right to bear arms can only be exercised in the context of militia service – not individually. The majority (the four conservatives, joined by Justice Kennedy) rejected this view, finding that the amendment protects a personal, individual right.

One can hold either of the preceding views without threat to any other rights protected by the constitution. What is frightening about Obama’s view is that the reverse is true: IF THE 2ND AMENDMENT CAN BE TOTALLY IGNORED, THEN OTHER RIGHTS WE ALL HOLD DEAR CAN BE AS WELL.

For instance:

If a community has a severe drug problem, why can’t they allow their police to search homes without taking time to get a warrant?

If a religious group is opposed to the government, why can’t it be banned?

If a newspaper is publishing information that the government believes is harming the country’s war efforts, why can’t it be censored or shut down?


But surely we have nothing to worry about – Barack Obama would never threaten the civil rights of anyone. Sadly, this is not the case. He is already at it.

In an action that is straight out of the third world, OBAMA IS ALREADY THREATENING THE LICENSES OF STATIONS THAT AIR NRA ADS HE DOES NOT LIKE. This is absolutely unheard of – a candidate whose administration will have the power to revoke broadcast licenses is threatening to do just that if they dare to accept ads from a group opposed to him.

Of course Obama has every right to respond to the NRA ads, to accuse them of being deceptive, and generally make their case. He certainly has lots of money to do so. In the last election, the Swift Boat ads were extremely controversial and may have very well been inaccurate – but John Kerry NEVER threatened to pull licenses if elected. Why? Because John Kerry respects the 1st Amendment – Obama doesn’t.

If Obama is willing to abuse his power to control the media BEFORE he is elected – what will he do AFTER he is elected? Every media outlet (even cable and satellite channels) require FCC licenses (or access to them) to operate. If he wants to, he can shut down those he disagrees with and force them to go to court to get back on the air. At a minimum, he will reinstate the so-called “fairness doctrine” – which will effectively shutdown talk radio, a goal the left has had for years.

Even more frightening is that as president, Obama will be able to appoint Justices to the Supreme Court who agree with his views. Would you like new Justices who think following the Bill of Rights is optional?

For details – including a copy of the letter Obama sent to stations, and documentation that the ads are accurate, follow these links:,2933,427347,00.html

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