Thursday, October 9, 2008


Barack Obama is running as someone who will unite a divided nation. He is also running as someone who will bring about “change”. It therefore is reasonable to ask the question I am answering in this post: What are Obama’s political views? What kind of change will he bring about?

Sadly, it can be quite easily demonstrated that he is a hard left extremist.

To be as fair as possible, let’s begin with the ratings of the Americans for Democratic Action. This group is proud to be liberal and rates federal legislators every year on 20 votes. They then assign a “liberal percentage” to each Senator and House Member. The results below have been altered by removing votes where the senator was absent (i.e. running for president), and then computing the percentage of time the Senator voted with the ADA. They are sorted from moderate to liberal:

Nelson (Democrat) - 2005 - 55%, 2006 - 60%, 2007 - 75%
Three Year Average -------------------- 63%

Lieberman (Democrat/Independent) - 2005 - 94%, 2006 - 83%, 2007 - 70%
Three Year Average ----------------------82%

Boxer (Democrat) - 2005 - 100%, 2006 - 100%, 2007 - 80%
Three Year Average ----------------------93%

Sanders (Independent/Socialist) (Elected 2006)
2007 ------------------------------------------95%

Obama (Democrat) - 2005 - 100%, 2006 -95% 2007 - 100%
3 Year Average -----------------------------98%

That’s right, in the last three years – while running for president – Barack Obama actually voted slightly to the left of the only SOCIALIST in the US Senate!

With data like this from LIBERAL groups, it’s easy to see why the National Journal rated him as the most liberal/left wing senator of 2007 (See for details)

Consider his position on the following issues:

Abortion: While serving in the Illinois Senate, Barack Obama almost single handedly blocked passage of legislation that required hospitals and doctors to care for infants who survive botched abortions. I cannot think of a more extreme position than allowing living children to die.

Many who are otherwise pro-choice, supported this legislation – but not Obama. He now realizes how extreme his position was and is trying to rewrite history. At first, he said that he would have voted for the Illinois bill if it only had the same language as the federal legislation – the only problem was he was on record as having voted against that very language. He has now given up on that explanation, and simply says that saving the life of a LIVE BABY is an intrusion on a woman’s right to choose. Please explain to me how that does not constitute legalized infanticide?

Gun Control: In spite of saying that “the 2nd Amendment protects a personal right”, he steadfastly has supported Washington DC’s TOTAL BAN ON FUNCTIONAL FIREARMS. He said that given the circumstances, this total ban on exercising as constitutional right was “reasonable”. As Justice Kennedy said, ‘What is reasonable about a total ban?

If you wonder about the implications of this view of constitutional rights, read my post, “Obama’s dangerous view of the constitution”

He also said that a questionnaire in which he stated that he was in favor of a total ban on handguns was filled out by his staff, without his knowledge. The only problem was that his handwriting is all over that questionnaire, proving that he did fill it out.

Let’s consider the votes Obama cast in lllinois – before he was running for president. The following contains quotes from a 2004 article that can be found at:

Children and Pornography: In 1999, Obama voted against requiring school boards to put Internet pornography filters on school computers meant for students' use.


He voted "present" on an almost unanimously passed bill requiring adult prosecution for students who fire guns on school grounds.

In 2001, he voted against a bill that added extra penalties for crimes committed in furtherance of gang activities.

In 1999, he was the only state senator to vote against a bill prohibiting early prison release for criminal sexual abusers.

In 2001, he voted against a bill that added extra penalties for crimes committed in furtherance of gang activities. He also voted against a bill making it a criminal offense for accused gang members, free on bond or on probation, to associate with known gang members.

Military and Defense: At a time when both terrorists and rogue states have the potential to launch missiles (perhaps with nuclear warheads), Obama has promised to end our missile defense program – leaving us with absolutely no defense except retaliation (provided we can identify the sender!).

Marriage: Obama has promised to sign a repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act. This will have the effect of legalizing gay marriage in all 50 states, via the “Full Faith and Credit Clause” of the constitution. Without this law, every state in the Union will have to recognize same sex marriages solemnized in other (like California) states – no matter what their state laws say.

Unions: He has promised to sign the Employee Free Choice Act, which would remove employees right to a secret ballot election before they are represented by a union. The liberal icon George McGovern, has expressed his strong opposition to this bill, but Obama isn’t listening.


Obama’s first response to skyrocketing gas prices gives his real position away: “I’m sorry that prices have risen so rapidly”. Not, “I’m sorry that Americans are paying these outrageous prices.” Obama wants gas prices to remain high to encourage conservation and make alternatives financially viable. This has been the position of left wing environmental groups for years.

He has opposed to opening ANY additional areas for drilling, and any further use of nuclear power.

Health Care: Obama has been strong supporter of Universal; government funded and regulated health care. His plan will lead to exactly this. This works so well in Canada that hospitals just inside to US board do a brisk business operating on Canadians who pay cash for surgery rather than wait months to years for it in the Canadian system – where women with breast cancer have to wait 6 months for surgery. Things are so bad that the Supreme Court of Canada found that waiting times in Quebec violated a right to life and security in the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms!

I could go on and on – but before you vote for Obama and Change, do your homework and find out what kind of change you will be voting for!

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