Friday, October 24, 2008


"I think he can be ready, but right now I don't believe he is. The Presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training."
-- Senator Joe Biden, when asked if Barack Obama is ready to be President
"I know Senator McCain has a lifetime of experience he will bring to the White House--and Senator Obama has a speech he gave in 2002."
-- Hillary Clinton, about Obama's leadership

When someone runs for president, they are not just competing in a national popularity contest, they are applying to run the largest and most important organization in the world. The job requires a completely different set of skills than sitting in a legislative body. The President of the United States is the Chief Executive. It is therefore important to ask: What kind of executive experience and/or leadership experience does Sen. Barack Obama have?

Barack Obama Executive Experience
Business executive experience – NONE
Military executive experience – NONE
Governmental executive experience - NONE
Non-profit executive experience – 3.75 years (Maximum employees = 13!!!!!)
Total executive experience - 3.75 years

Using the same formula:

John McCain Executive Experience – 21 years
Sarah Palin Executive Experience – 8 years

That’s right, conservatively (not counting her small business experience) Sarah Palin has DOUBLE the executive experience of Barack Obama!

What about previous presidents?

Dwight D Eisenhower ------ 37 years
George H. W. Bush ------ 26 years
Ronald Reagan ------ 18 years
Herbert Hoover ------ 16 years
Warren G. Harding ------ 14 years
Franklin D. Roosevelt ------ 12 years
Richard Nixon ------ 11.5 years
George W Bush ------ 11 years
Jimmy Carter ------ 11 years
Calvin Coolage ------ 10 years
Woodrow Wilson ------ 10 years
Bill Clinton ------ 9 years
William Howard Taft ------ 8 years
Lyndon B. Johnson ------ 7 years
Harry Truman ------ 7 years (2 years WW1 combat leadership)
Gerald Ford ------ 6 years (4 years WW2 combat leadership)
John F. Kennedy ------ 4 years (WW2 combat leadership)

Although Obama has nearly as many years as JFK, one must consider the QUALITY of the experience. Does leading a community organization with 13 employees really compare with serving 4 years in the US Navy – including some very well known combat leadership! Of course not!

Furthermore, EVERY SINGLE ONE of the men listed above held executive positions with great responsibility in the military or government prior to running for president. Obama has supervised 13 people in a not for profit organization.

If elected, Sen. Obama will clearly be the least qualified person elected in the last 100 years!

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